Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fun's Over

Well the fun of a puppy is over. The kids no longer do their duties to help. No cleaning messes, no carrying it around, no playing with her! The puppy has started nipping at their feet so all they do is run from her. She still yaps each night, and she prefers to pee on the carpet instead of the dirty outdoors. Oh what to do!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Puppy Love

Meet our new puppy Oreo. I don't know what breed she is, a mixture of a few I think. She's a really sweet dog and the kids love her. It's a little difficult having a puppy. We are working on potty training and she cries at night. But I think she's getting comfortable here. Even Sunny has stopped growling at her.
Look at how cute she is:

Mason even held her for a while. Yes, he likes to touch animal's eyes and he squeezed her a little too hard but the puppy's fine. She loves to be held. Sidney carries her around all day like she's a baby. She even puts her Build-a-Bear clothes on her. Its really cute.

Its hard work to have a puppy but I'm making sure the kids help out. They put Oreo down for her "nap", they clean up the messes and take her out to go potty.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
Last night we had a basketball practice for Makenzie's team but Josh forgot to get the key to the gym (he's the coach) so we brought back the whole team to our house for a little Valentine's party. We had pizza, watched a movie and decorated cookies. These girls are not only good at basketball, they're also really creative! Check out their creations:

And one of the taste testers. I think he approves.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mason is 2!

This is a few weeks late since Mason's birthday was on Jan 18th, but better late then never, right?

My baby has turned 2! He's such a big boy that it feels like he's been 2 for a while now. He's such a big boy that people who don't know us well ask if he's a little slow developement-wise because they think he's at least 3 and should be talking like a 3 year old. (Yes, someone has said that to me.) They are always surprised and apologize when I tell them he's not even 2 yet.

Here's him on his big day!

He even blew out his own candles! I was so surprised!

He loved his birthday and has been singing the birthday song ever since. Mason had some serious issues when he was born so it is an understatement to say how happy and blessed I am to celebrate 2 wonderful years with this little guy. And many many many many many many more!

Lots more birthdays to come...
Josh- Feb
Kenzie- March
Parker- April