Monday, September 15, 2008

My Birthday

Josh is working near Winslow, Arizona (about 3 1/2 hrs from here.) He stays there 4 days a week and is home for 3. He's building a school on a Navajo reservation. Its extremely interesting. Anyway, my birthday was on Wednesday and I spent all day with the "poor me's" because Josh wasn't home for my birthday. (Even though I got so many calls, emails and cards from my wonderful friends and family.) What's worse is that he acted like, "sorry, there's nothing I can do about it." But around 4:00 he surprises me at the door with a balloon bouquet and a beautiful rose bouquet. Awe!! He also had a babysitter lined up to take me out for a nice birthday dinner. Love you Josh!..... . .I told him next time, don't do that.

Let them eat cake! Next time I'll remember the spoon.


Sasha said...

Aww!! Josh is so sweet sometimes! He does such great surprises. Patric could learn a thing or two from him.

And Mason has SO MANY teeth! So cute!!

Liz Chidester said...

I know! I noticed all his teeth in that pic too.

The Chidesters said...

Josh told Pete the night before that he was going to take you out for dinner. Pete mentioned it to me but didn't tell me it was a surprise. I was soooo thankful I didn't mention it in an e-mail. How nice!